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Homecare Innovations for Worldwide Patients

Homecare Innovations for Worldwide Patients
Thanni Holding Corp, founded and led by Thelma R. Liverpool, a former Environmental Specialist and Consultant at E. I. DuPont, focuses on innovative homecare solutions designed to transform the care of bedridden individuals. Based in Wilmington, Delaware, our products integrate advanced technology into hospital beds, allowing for in-place toileting and bathing. These innovations significantly reduce the physical demands on caregivers and improve patient comfort. 

Our pioneering products, BedPoti and AidesPro, cater primarily to hospital bed manufacturers and, looking forward, to direct users. For detailed information or inquiries, reach us via email at [email protected]. At Thanni Holding, we are dedicated to enhancing the homecare experience through cutting-edge innovations. Our devices, designed to be integrated into existing hospital beds, offer functions that address the two main issues in caring for mobility-compromised patients: toileting and bathing. 

This approach not only facilitates patient hygiene but also preserves dignity and reduces caregiver strain. As we expand our reach, our mission remains firm: to provide solutions that simplify caregiving and enhance patient quality of life across Wilmington and beyond. For any further inquires, feel free to contact us at (302) 668-8805, learn more about how we are improving healthcare, and become a partner.